the... a
My favorite word is the... I use it a lot. In fact so much so that I've been consciously trying to omit and delete it. Which is not easy to do, but possible as you can see by this brief, near pristine paragraph. It's amazing how negotiable this term is... if I have a word count issue, it's my first bargaining chip, plus or minus... I also am amused by a memory of not being able to spell the... its phonetics off from its appearance... the is a strange little word... one that does not exist in many languages. For instance, in Polish, there's no such thing, you simply name the object.
The is going to be difficult to define without an inclination to use that word itself... but doable... It is an article denoting a directed point of singularity, though not particularity... it's not one at random, not this one, nor that one; Yet one, just so.
I note that my Oxford dictionary, in it's oppressively long definition, was not able to avoid using that word in its definition...!
I'm using my hardcover copy, mostly, but their website link, although differing in wording, is similar
ps. italics where my impulse was to use the word the...
pss. my second favorite word is the (!) other article, a... *sigh! which is also hard to define... it is the (!) opposite of the, being anyone in general...
<font face="Helvetica" size="3" color="silver">01.29.2018</font>