Kind Man
I honestly believe that mankind was given a great gift, this gift is what has placed us so very high above all other life on Earth.
This gift has brought us through the darkness of primordial igorance and has allowed us to shine a brilliant light upon this world we inhabit.
No it's not a superior intellect although that has proven quite useful.
Its not opposable thumbs, yes they make writing this vastly simplier. The gift I speak of is solely responsible for the species we have become. Yes my friend you were blessed with the gift of compassion. Our technology and advancements in everything "human" from wheels to steel, antibiotics to automobiles, mean absolutely nothing if we weren't inherently compassionate beings. It may not always be visible to the naked eye but believe me it is there and has always ben there. It may not always be shown but it is the foundation of who and what we are as human beings. And even though it always appears that mankind is 1 step away from the edge from which there is no return. Our compassion will always insure that no matter how much evil is in the world and in alot of hearts, there is and will always be far more compassion. Have faith in your humanity, it is not your burden but your blessing.