My eyes were getting weak, and I seemed to be drifting in and out of conciousness. He was clenching my hand, leaning over me with tears running down his face - I hated to see him so upset. He was all I could see in the dreary hospital room that they had me in. Darkness, then awaking to his tears falling on my arm. Darkness, then I forced my eyes open again when I heard him say, "I love you with all my heart...please don't go."
I struggled, but I managed to get out, "I will always love you." before the darkness again.
It was dark, and I couldn't feel my body anymore. It felt as though I was speeding weightlessly though the air, but there were no eyes to open, no arms to move - just...me. I suppose the best I can explain it is that part deep inside of you that none of us can figure out...the soul, perhaps?
I knew where I was, and where I was going, all at the same time; I didn't have to see or hear to know. I was heading away from our planet, I was heading home, just like we all eventually would.