Don’t Judge Me...Too Harshly
I will label myself as long as it doesn't define me,
Will speak words others have said as long as you know
My lips are not loose; they're as tight as they get in
English pronunciation classes. (How do I know? Cause,
I'm a teacher) and that's my first label: teacher.
Now, I don't mean to sound too arrogant, and again,
I remind you, words from another's lips, well, I
guess I can jumble them with my own. Who's the author
And am I the painting? Well, I guess, we'll never know.
(Kidding, of course I'm the author of my story!)
I'm the butterfly that comes into your life and flies away
Just as quick; that pleasant little thing to make your
Day better; Dare I say the other person? (Nice to meet you, I'm pansexual.)
I learned from a young age that people are blessings;
I'm the gregarious woman who loves to love people just a little too much,
But who also has anxiety (she's my roomie for life!) so that's always fun.
Always people watching and talking, and even people helping until it's clear
I'm being used, but let's be honest, I'll never notice.
You use me, I use you, I'm a user and I use you all,
For your affection (cause, I'll starve without it) and your company.
Now, I call myself a pretty, pacifist, paranoid, pure-hearted person, but honestly,
I'm a fierce ticking time bomb of emotions just waiting to explode again.