I will go where it is safe and create a butterfly hype life
Then walk in liquid happiness taste the breath of realities air
The streets there shine in endless up beat tempo repeats repeats
Dancers subside in the air the sound of wave blasts and they rise
My arms escape my torso and transcend into the universe
Lips march around me faster and faster until I find my own
Open my mouth and its covered with kisses from everyones heart
Objects are falling towards me from the paisley modeled sky
My legs prance in unicorn steps when my arms found its way home
In the house that is mine lives spirits that feast on my thoughts
A peaceful place where my wings insist that I soar, so I fly
Days last for as long as needed in a perfect toned out pitch
As I rejoice and expand into this worlds royal epic saga
My eyes darken wet tears flow when the flower closes shop for the night