Love is not Forbidden
I can remember a time when for many years I longed for love.
Love had a very warped meaning for me back then.
I basically needed someone to devote their entire human experience to my enjoyment.
I felt inside like people should love me, that it was protocol.
All religions say that we should love, right?
Love would stop wars, right?
I felt love was being conciderate of others, and making sure others were happy. I felt that love meant constant giving with no traces of selfishness. I felt that love was to be expressed. I felt that family should always show unconditional love. I felt that friends should always be there with forgiving hearts. I felt that partners should be faithful and wrapped up in each other all of the time. I felt that social charity groups should be nonjudgemental.
Well thanks to you writers I read to many fiction novels. Ha. Just kidding. I misinterpreted all of it. Since I expected more of every human I met than they could or should give, I spent many Valentine's Day alone. Or feeling very alone anyway. People couldn't handle feeling bad because someone expected them to fill the hole inside of their heart. We have to that ourselves.
When I finally focused on me and not others I slowly begin to realize that I enjoyed my own company. I would treat myself on this sweet holiday. I begin to find things in the world I loved and enjoyed. As I grew to love myself and this experience I drew others to me that enjoyed what I did. I recieved my first Valentine gift that I didn't guilt someone into sharing five years ago from my now fiance. I now am enjoying different types of love.
Enjoy the Valentine's gift hidden in your own heart this time. You will never look back.