Monster Hunter: The Walking Pumpkins.
old woman: You have to come quick.
Vanessa: Why? What happened?
old woman: I have a slight problem. Please, help me young lady.
Vanessa- [to herself] This town is driving me bananas.
The old woman led Vanessa to her cabin near the hunched tree.
old woman: Look over there. Do you see what I see?
Vanessa thought she saw something like a small critter ran past the cabin & by the hunched tree.
old woman: You will think I’ve lost my mind, but I must tell you that was one of my pumpkins. I know that you think that was a critter. It wasn’t.
Vanessa: A pumpkin? How is it even living or alive?
old woman: I- (smiles) ahem, (squints her eyes) added a little kick to my pumpkin patch. I saw that my pumpkins needed more nutrients. So, I made a quick witch’s pumpkin growth brew. I didn’t know how strong it was. The next thing I knew- there were my pumpkins all squirming in their grounded place. Then out they all popped right out of the earth.
Vanessa: (Sighs) Okay. I don’t know. How am I going to catch these live pumpkins?
old woman: Just trick them to coming back near the cabin.
Vanessa: How am I supposed to do that?
old woman: Lure them all in with a pumpkin magnet.
Vanessa: A what now?
old woman: Oh, you don’t know what that is? It’s my own special tool that I use whenever this happens.
Vanessa: This has happened before?
old woman: Well, last time it was my radishes that came to life.
Vanessa: Huh. Alrightie. Let’s catch those pumpkins.
old woman: Here’s how the device works.
The old woman placed the pumkin magnet on the ground. An orange magnetic field moved from the magnet towards all the pumpkins. In a matter of seconds all the pumpkins were pulled towards the pumkin magnet. Vanessa would never forget this device or day to be honest. How many people did she know that had to deal with live walking & breathing vegetables?
Vanessa: Now what’s next?
old woman: All that is left to be done is to pour my special pumpkin brew over these pumpkins.
Vanessa: What? Didn’t that turn them into living things in the first place?
old woman: Hahah! I was only kidding.
Vanessa watched as the old woman waved her hands & cast a spell. The pumpkins all turned back into ordinary pumpkins. No more living walking & breathing vegetables.
old woman: (bends down) Let me check to see if there’s any pulse on these pumpkins.
Vanessa: (bends down too) I don’t hear any heartbeats.
old woman: Of course you don’t silly. They are not alive anymore.
Vanessa said goodbye to the old woman. This was something that she would have to write down in her Monster Hunter journal. What would she even call these things....ah- The Walking Pumkins.