Grey Tears
If I could give my tears any color it would be grey. Nothing else comes to my mind. Some tears I shed in the secret of my room, out of despair, a sadmess that totally engulfed me. In those moments rare as they were, I no longer cared about the world, totally blinded by my selfish desires and immeresed in my self-pity. Only considering the wrongs done to me. Those were the times when I was too young and imature to ever look at my own faults. Blaming others for my own lack of understanding. Then came the raging tears shed openly infront of others. Those I truly despised. Such was my hatred towards them since they were the ones out of my control. Making me think I was weak because I lacked the will to stop them in their tracks. Whenever I would get into a heated argument the waterworks would start to leak. Beginning as tiny droplets which I just couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried. Third were the tears of joy they would emerge out when I was radiating with too much joy. The combinations of all these different emotions just leaves me with this color. Since for me my tears are like grey clouds transcending with the least provocation.