dark points
the hollowness consumes me
the nothingness swallows me up
there is a pain in the air
and I crush down,
concealing my soul with loss
and filling my bricks with concrete
as I build my walls,
my temporary backup
for days with no light,
I stretch out my sorrow
to keep me warm
without my kin,
a part of my blood
I watch the time pass by
with ruthless turns,
making everything slower
as it speeds up,
loss surrounds my being
it digs through,
I can no longer stop
and stand my ground,
because my deepest sorrow
has finally caught up,
it slips through my cracks
as I hoped I had none,
an armor strengthened
with layers
that I added over the years,
I thought I was stronger
that my denial would last
my greatest power
and my biggest fail,
now the pain surrounds
my shoulders
covered with a soft shawl
that weighs me down with stones,
yet I need it to heal my wounds
because going forward
requires life,
the one
that you go through
with a beating heart
and one day at a time
"may we meet again"