this blindfold: pt 2
i have this blindfold on that covers the good parts of my day
when we left the store i remember the sun being hot and gorey
i took pictures of your face in that light because you wore a lot of glitter
some sort of doctored magic
you pranced around on the street while i dreamt
you were in that different world that i write about
see i have an empty pill capsule stuck in my gums
and i use it to scoop up the remnants of our time
ill try and to go back there later
to that world youve created for yourself and the things you love
we go there when we smoke and talk about most things
and it feels tangible the separation from our normal existence
its kind of surreal and an illusion of acceptance
but that seems to not matter when you’re just twenty whatever
development is a game and why play you’re lost most of the time