You have nerve and silver tongue
Got your way since you were young
There’s no moral quality
You’re a serpent in a tree
You were caught and that is fact
Had the chance to leave with tact
But instead you act a fool
Hoping you can still look cool
Every “friend” you think you had
Really thinks you’re pretty sad
You have zero loyalty
How loyal do you think they’ll be?
You’re not as smart as I once thought
Looking back how hard I fought
Just to prove my worth and love
Thought you fit me like a glove
Stood behind you thick and thin
Gave up me so you could win
Had the world when you had me
Now you’ve lost your dignity
There is nothing you can say
That can even hope to sway
My decision set in stone
By what I saw on your cell phone
So keep talking all that shit
What you say does not mean spit
No one is listening to you
They all know it’s nothing new
Won’t be long before they see
You aren’t who you claim to be
When you’ve no one on your side
Where will you run and hide?
#challenge #vent #fuckyou #cheatingpieceofshit #waytoogoodforyou #crymeariver #outofyourleague #bottomfeeder #barnacle #wasteoftime #betyoufeelstupid #sogladyouregone