The Hole in My Heart
What shall I do?
With the hole in my heart
That only you fill
...but you don’t want me.
For you to know the thoughts that occupy my mind would be
Painful - for the both of us
That’s why you told me not to fall in love with you
...but I just can’t help it
What shall I do?
With my deep yearning for love
That no one reciprocates for me
...but that’s normal, right?
For me to always want love
To be in love with the idea of love
And to fall in love with anyone who is willing to fill that gap in my heart
...but there is no one
What shall I do?
With the loneliness that haunts me, strangles me until I can no longer breathe
Maybe there will be a prince who will come save me from your burning hands
...but no prince exists
I opened my heart to you and let you stroke my bones
Yet you still call me “friend”
My experience with love is great
...but I am not worthy of love anymore.
What shall I do?
With the suffering I feel when we’re not together
When I’m not running my fingers through your hair or
When you’re not kissing me gently
Kissing you was a mistake because now I love you
Just know that I hate myself for it
Every night, I pray that the hole closes, that the loneliness, suffering, and pain go away
...but the hole just gets wider.