To Slaughter Sparrows
Ascend these soldiers, their wings
Are called for humble graces, my kings
Shatter goblets and countries, all likely
A blithe performance, certainly
Our Prince Reaper’s harvest growing
Devil taps a nail, song spun on bone
And down, down descend the soldiers so
Quarrel flocks like murders flown
On wings, wings of steel and oak
Yet Murder! Murder! some village somewhere sings
Far off, death’s still a tragedy
And up, up and up that body floats
Light as feathers in powdered smoke
Punctured steel and sinew rends
Life like life casts itself in pints
There they march, brave souls
Romanticizing stupidity and casualty
Ascend these soldiers, their wings
Tire and dread their marching, my kings
Dismantle borders and throats, all likely
A blithe performance, certainly
Our Prince Reaper’s harvest growing
Imp tracks like infantry soles,
Souls sewn up in taut sacks of thousands
Thank the ephemeral ghosts don’t decompose
Else Hell’d be an insufferable home
I’ll have your head, but may I take your coat?
Yet Thief! Thief! some city somewhere sings
Far off, this arrest’s a fantasy
And up, up and up that body swings
A thief dressed up with final prayers
Silences the crowd with stuttered feet
And crow croaking as his bough creaks
An elegy fit for kings