Holding On
I have a problem
One I hate to share
I can’t stop loving you
Even though I know
We will never happen
Even though I know
You will never love me
You keep leaving
You don’t even know
How much it hurts
I know you’re older
I know you wouldn’t
Think of me like that
And even if you did,
We both know better
Than to try
We both care
What other people think
And we
Are not something
Anyone could ever
Approve of
But still,
You’re always on my mind
When you walk in the room,
My day gets better
I wonder why
You take breaks
From me
So often
Are you fighting
The same feelings
As I?
Are you pretending
To not care about me?
I feel like
I was born at the wrong time
You’re tearing my life apart
And if I were just a bit older
Or you a bit younger,
It all could have worked
But no,
I am cursed
To love you forever
But never be able to have you
I know I should say goodbye
But I can’t
I hate goodbyes
And you have become
Such a huge part of my life
So I’m going to hold on
Until life tears us apart
I will hold on
Even when it’s hard
Because I love you
Even though
We can never be