Thrones and Grass Houses
There was once a native tribe that lived on a giant marsh. All of their houses and buildings were built out of the grass that grew on top of the water and floated on wooden beams. One day, some people went exploring in the forest that surrounded the marsh. As they walked around a giant tree something sparkled and caught their eyes. They walked over to the large fern from which the glitter had come from and tossed it off of the gold object. As they dusted it off of what appeared to be a giant gold chair. They lifted the throne and carried it back to the floating village. When they finally got back, they were going to show it to the leader of the tribe, but it was really late so they just took it into the large grass house that they stored all of their food and valuables in. The next day they came back with the leader, but when they got there, the throne was gone and in its place, there was a giant hole in the floor. The throne had fallen right through the grass floor and into the depths of the marsh! The tribe leader looked at the men and smiled. “There is a moral to this story, I know it, ” he said.Moral of the story: DON’T STOW THRONES IN GRASS HOUSES!