This Cursed Time Piece
I thought I would be Majesty and stop the World
—pull this crown and take the pulse of Eternity!
Its lifeless carcass attach to my trusty fob
like some anachronistic trophy of old...
I laughed, smugly, all this while I’ve been killing Time:
why in Heaven’s name should it not at last be mine?!
—but noticed! the watch face... as it then unfolded...
with a yawn, wink and nod; “Who are you?” I inquired,
prepared to squeeze harder those little spindly arms...
“I’m a HooDoo... of you! For your Time’s sure to come:
It will arrive, take you up, pull your leg, same as mine!
Stop your minutes, cuff your hands, and freeze your digits!
You’ll not know the day, nor the hour, of your arrest!
Its hands will swoop down at you to unhook your crown,
wind you back, and forth, and have a laugh at this Power...
turning you quick to memories we’d once 'moved-past;'
forcing you to some alarming Future 'preview;' that you’ll know its Time that rules us inside, out."