Once upon a time, in a far away forest, lived a wolf named Truman. Each and everyday, Truman would go and play with his friends Randy the squirrel, Franklin the rabbit, and Nina the raccoon. Each day the four of them would go and play in the meadow by the stream until the sun went down. But one day, Nina got sick and couldn't come and play with the others. So Truman, Randy, and Franklin decided to go and see if they could make Nina feel better. Each of them brought Nina a gift to make her feel better. Truman was the first to arrive at Nina's house. But when he got to Nina's house she was fast asleep. So he decided to wait. Next Franklin arrived. But Nina was still fast asleep! So Franklin decided to wait with his friend Truman. After a few more minutes of waiting, Randy arrived at Nina's house. But like before, Nina was still fast asleep in her bed! So Randy also sat down next to Truman and Franklin. And then, Nina woke up and saw her three friends waiting for her. And Nina was feeling all better. So after giving Nina her gifts, a new pile of feathers from Truman, a bunch of berries from Franklin, and a nice big stick to play with from Randy, the four friends ran to the meadow by the stream. And the four of them played until the sun went down.