Good From the Blind Side
I recall... when not so very very young
asking the elders how does one really
know if something is Good, or not?
Aghast... they raised upward their eyes
Lawrd! what is to become of this child?
what moral crises beneath our very
innocence belies...
I think... no such thing I'd modestly meant
how does one for certain differentiate...
definitively, the good from the only
average, or just above, to thereby claim
that's a Good book, or film, or any
other Thing while not resting upon
personal preference or opinion...
Never mind to judge a Good person
from a Bad one though of course a
sense of Right and Wrong I thought
I'd surely had... some... albeit...
from where... why... or how come....
what can I say? ...when I've trouble enough
to deem which is the better bubble gum...
I know I'd know the one best advertised
by whatever most highly promoted sitcom...
or other new campaign... of massive duption
openly, and subliminally, that tells me firmly
...this one... this one... this one... this one...
...not this... not this... not this... not this...
...this one... this one... this one... this one...
...not this... not this... not this... not this...
till I believe I've a connoisseur's statement
self-made by reason and moral conviction
even... to claim myself fit as a Judge at all.