Riddle Me This...
I want you guys to either challenge me, or challenge others, with a riddle that either you’ve created or have found on the internet (I promise, I won’t cheat :D ) Please post the riddle in the main section and all answers (or guesses) please put into the comment section. Now let’s see who’s the true riddle master...
...what does it mean to You?
that point of standing
with its sweet sometimes
sickly underhand smell
yes its existence
is dubious,
at best...
fleeting belief of how
good it would feel to
finally declare we've
reached that pinnacle
of empty space that
will be our very
Mount Everest.
Flag posts our society
for us typically sets
though all too often
we false start into a
sprint or distance
not waiting for
its definition...!
What it means to you?
at any given moment
as young or old
personally set...
...ask and await
the humming
of crickets...