One Night
I got to fall asleep next to you.
And what a god damn privilege it is. And I woke up,
every moment you stirred because my brain still thinks you want to kill me in my sleep
but I wake up smiling, every time.
Wake up next to you, to again fall asleep next to you. Nights pass within one.
A weeks worth of simple rousings.
You brush against me, my whole body tingles to your touch.
I am a crackling fire, and you are either trying to tame the flames or make them bigger,
I’m not sure yet.
You wake, completely and hold me. Your skin so soft and so warm,
I didnt realize I was freezing until I touched you
I got to see you two days in a row, got to fall asleep next to you.
Got to kiss you like three dozen times, each kiss giving my lips a deep hunger for more.
The heart knows time is passing.
Knows I will have to go home at some point today,
back to my bed that you cannot sleep in.
But for one night we shared a bed. Shared a space.
The next morning I opened a crack in time, peered into a possible future of waking up next to you every morning and my heart pounded with such a force I felt dizzy.
Closed the crack,
Drifted back to sleep in a bed that, for one night, was ours.