Tree’s Island
This wild, wailing, wriggling, world
holds a wicked empty throne;
hidden where roots have curled
as Tree calls this place her home.
The mighty ocean’s swells climb
at its defiance since crowned;
it stands still rooted in time
guarding our world’s lost and found.
This island splat of free land:
where roar of wave race report
to serve on shiny shore strand,
is quick to give it’s retort.
The brush fan chase forest stand
that pan round lake and hill span:
where stone strewn slabs climb inland
as they march in line to plan.
This story of defiance
is told to every isle child:
a story of alliance
claims that all things here are wild.
The mountain range monstrous:
each peak complete with grandstand
of rebel rock crown’s chorus
to the kingdom of dry land.
This island hides it’s treasure
safe from ocean assaults pound:
an imagined worlds measure
of rhythm in your soul’s sound.