Missed Connection Advertisement
"A missed connection is a type of personal advertisement which arises after two people meet but are too shy or otherwise unable to exchange contact details" (Wikipedia). Let's do a fun writing exercise. Let's write a "missed connection" ad! This is a great opportunity for an interesting (maybe weird) meet cute and some odd characters (both the subject and the narrator). Mostly, have fun!
Last Words
Just wanted to sincerely thank you for ignoring me during that difficult time in which I thought that you had filmed me during our last encounter, after you shared those pics with M and said that it was me.
I later found out that M is a dude, when she suggested I hook up with her ex, who was in fact, her/him.
Zero fucks later, I am telling you this. Whatever.
If you care about me at all, you will not respond to this message, and will continue to live joyfully with your family, and I respect that immensely as I am doing same.
No hard feelings towards you, I learned many things, and constantly strive to improve myself thanks to what I learned about my flaws and shortcomings.
Best wishes,