Challenge of the Week LXXXI
"I write so that I might understand what I think" - various authors. Choose a topic about which you're not quite sure what you think. Perhaps it's something you've been thinking a lot about, or something you wish you understood better. Then write. Write until you uncover a pearl of lucidity.
Lately I have thought a lot about what the word "love" even means. I thought I knew what it meant. Meaning the sterotypical want and need for a person to be in your life. Recently I learned the hard way that this was just not the case. So as I continue to think of what this broad but specific term could possibly mean, I figure something out. No one will ever truly understand love. People judge who or what you love. People say that there are wrong or right things to love. People judge how you love anything. Love will always be confusing to me. I do understand one thing about love; there is no right or wrong.