When I try to imagine the Universe, I inevitably draw in my mind my “impression” of God... the All Mighty, which in the limits of my imagination takes on a childlike caricature of “many” outstretched limbs, arms, legs, talons, scales and feathers; of an unending kaleidoscope of movements; and array of shifting faces. And though “seen” as a “concrete blob” in my mind, the image represents for me the Infinite sum total, i.e. the perpetuum mobile deux ex machina... all of the bio-gears of Life in constant dynamic expressive flux.
While my efforts of thought are meta-cognitive (striving to form through these bits and pieces of Analysis some kind of cohesive Synthesis), I momentarily and involuntarily “make the mistake” of casting my eye outside of this conglomeration. This is a purely fictional suspension of animation... as the Infinite by definition has no boundaries, and cannot be stopped. That act of “hovering over,” as if to levitate mentally from the body, is key to my understanding of the “nature” of the Universe— as somehow "separate," despite being all-encompassing. Something like, a mother’s embrace. It would cease to be a hug if she did not at some point, to some extent, let go! From my perspective, the Universe does not try to stifle us in imagination, nor suffocate us with Its whole physical presence. Rather we float... always ...like astronauts... throughout the Cosmos. The view from every “corner” is grand, if we look beyond ourselves. As Schopenhauer wrote in warning: to oft Man mistakes the edge of the nose, for the limits of the world ...it is then that things become very small, narrow, and uncomfortable. The moment we can see past ourselves—while not loosing sight/ disregarding our connecting tendrils (physical and spiritual)—we are one family instead of mere space clutter. We are in as if a “safe” studio-haven or pleine-aire, free to contribute our various projections of fantasy (whatever they may be). The Universe like an impartial arbiter is always receptive to every idea and judges not, out of hand. It spots us, like a coach, and checks our tethers to ensure our “safety net.” Like a friend, It accepts the entire package; and like a “true amigo,” gives us also that all important, impartial, unvarnished, Feedback; holding up a mirror for us to see and judge for ourselves: the good, the bad, the lovely and the ugly.