A conversation between life and death...
"Hey Death, do you think you can do me a favor and let me know when you are coming to take over? I really am a planner and if you don't mind giving me a date and time, I could put you on my calendar."
"Nice try Life. Do you really think you are the first one to ask this question? So let's get hypothetical here "MissIliketoplan." Say I tell you and the day I'm coming is tomorrow. You're gonna get all freaked out, start crying, gasping and snorting, calling everyone you want to say good-bye to, with snot dripping all over your iPhone. Is that a pretty picture?
Say I tell you and I'm not coming for 70 years. You might think you've got all the time in the world, possibly changing the entire course of your life. I can just hear you; I'll read that book next week. I'll go on a diet next month. I'll have kids next year. I'll travel when I'm retired. Next thing you know you are dumb, fat, childless and boring! Get my point Life?"
"Whoa. Death. Relax. I thought we planners were intense. No wonder you are so final. Who could stand to be around you?"