To Drink
Drinking is not being drunk, being a drunk. Drinking is not blacking out, cleaning vomit off your shoes in the morning. It's not scerocis of the liver at age 25, leaving your loved ones to wonder about the why-s.
Drinking can be a pleasant night out with friends, a pleasant night in with family. Drinking can break down the walls we hold around us, allow us to see people in ways we could never have concieved. Drinking can show us ourselves through others' eyes, often more positively than we might think.
Drinking's easy to use and to overuse, especially for the wrong reasons. But to demonize alcohol, to deem it an evil is to take the easy way out as well. Self control is a valuable and necessary asset in life. The ability to excercise it and use it well can bar a great deal of pain, while in turn precipitating a great deal of happiness.