I draw the knife across my skin
Slowly, gently at first
The caress of an old lover not seen in years
Suddenly it becomes harder, mean, angry
My hand steadies
The blade gaining a confidence of its own
No longer under my control, an entity of its own
Red droplets of blood begin to form
Dripping down my body to the floor
Staining the tile red with my agony
Emptying me of this overwhelming emotion
Then it hits
That release
Ohh, that sweet, sweet flood of release
As the blade sings across my skin
A mournfully joyous tune I haven’t heard in a while
The melody as familiar to me, as comforting
As the beat of my own heart
I move slowly
Savoring the stinging pain
Every moment of my blissfully excruciating escape
Raspy vocal cords scream a prayer that it never ends
Emotions pour out of my body
In a sea of red
Emptying me til I’m hollow again
Until finally the numbness spreads
Envelops my body in a comfortable embrace
As I slip to the bathroom floor
Sighing gently
A quiet, hushed whisper escaping my trembling lips
“I’m home”