there's nothing left of me
nothing but the hush
& the burden I've become
to myself
half-bent, half-broken
there's no way to pretend
it didn't happen like this
the mourning leaf gives its color
to the slipstream
like the slow yellowing of a bruise
as it fades
the roses laid to rest
this is when I would write a poem
& title it I'm running out of metaphors
for the way I ache -
for how I hoard my pain
for how it bitters the heart
these hours belonging to death
clutter the wind
scatter a language of grief
its lack of symmetry
undoing my breath
my voice is kept inside the feathers
of a pillow
I bring down the birds from
their branches
to nest in my open wound
to touch what it means
to die
& this is how I pray
splay dark ink on
a disrupted paper-sky
the gravity of its stars
guides my strokes
underlining the black edge
of night
kneel here
where the moon curves
grass is always greenest where we bury
our babies
in memory of my baby boys, Jason & JonThomas. mommy misses you.
mommy loves you.