Mike Perry
Can I tell you a story about a kind soul? This is a true story and I would love to tell you about it. I was dating this nice young man. He and I were very in sync with one another and we had fun together. His brother didn't like me for some reason. All his other family members loved me but not his older brother. When I would come around, he didn't want me around.
Well, one night my man-friend and I was spending quality time. All of a sudden someone started yelling through the window. He was saying mean things about me. He went downstairs and they started to fight.
Finally, my boyfriend came upstairs. I looked at him and noticed he lost his front tooth. He ignored him for a week. His brother showed up at my job. He brought me a rose and an apology for the fight with his brother. He stated that he really did like me and that he was jealous that his brother finally found a good girl. I was surprised. I gave him a hug and thanked him. The next day, his brother was found dead in a field. We were told that his best friend shot him in the back. The police caught up with his friend two days later. On the day he died, an old television I was using just for games because it had no sound, suddenly SCREAMED out with sound.
We were totally amazed. I told my boyfriend it was his brother saying "bye". He was buried three days later, and that night my television sound STOPPED. I knew his brother was on his way home to my Lord. I grieve for him even today. I never had the chance to enjoy him as a brother.