The last day of the war...
Describe the last day of a long war. Who won? How did they win? Or did each side's machines keep fighting for hundreds of years after their organic components had died? Don't forget to tag me!
who won
Time’s machete’s
too fast with
strikes we cannot match
(as One against our untold Sum)
Swords of our tongues
dislodge swears...
and whims from rooftops
Flung into gusts
to stave the
passing of the Day
...guillotined at dusk
for transfusion
to the valves of Night!
Seconds fall in
our sacrifice
of another Life...
Fighting since the Flood
...till swallows
hark our Mourning song
Time’s black blood
through these veins
does of surely run...
(we’re One against the untold Sum)