A Royal Doctor-inn
I fail to see in a art of restriction, or dominance of others.
Be it a religion or personal will.
If there is no physical harm directed, or mental harm directed, or chemical harm directed, or true spiritual harm directed, at, to, any other creature...
Then such should Be as is to Live.
There is only one way to this freedom of life, through a whole as moderation and respect. All to all form created is the way of live & life.
Change comes from choices of change.
We should be able to talk thing’s out as a whole, not a directive, branch, cult, or creed.
There is no color.
There is creation.
There is no skin.
There is form; and the only hideousness shape, is control and abuse of shape and form.
If there is harm, you defend according to the level of harm.
If there is death you defend to live.
If you fight they fight.
If it exceeds a temperament maintain control the situation.
There is fight & there is flight, there is strength & there is humility.
There is no gender & there is no color & there is only creation of shape and form.
Money is a object, a idol, a tool of control, vs logic of the root of reality and survival. Magic is energy, a illusion over the yet perceptible will.
The illusion: of the unknown, is created by assumption.
The assumption: of the illusion, is created by the unknown.
The unknown of the assumption is created by the illusion.
Unknown: therefore created; is unknown.
The illusion is the assumption.
Each word can replace the other.
Assumption Illusion Unknown
Assumption is an illusion, it is the unknowledgeable; the unlearned discipline in the raw form; a lack of communication to which only breaks the mental, spiritual, physical foundation, and the illusion severs the spiritual connection.
A concoction to destruction of a social cohesion, IE: war.
The shadows on the wall from the fire in the cave, is the same dance that generates war in the mind. Where hate and chaos which generate fear & control, where power and authority should not be used to bewilder, but for calm and understanding wisdom itself.
Money grants false powers, and false profit’s of values that should never have existed.
Where work for the societal sense or for the tribe’s function should be sacred; & not as ethics and etiquette but as survival, and humane bonds in kinship not financual trusts.
Trade should be in labor; & received in & returned in labor; but not how much, but getting it done.
A need as it is, is a need, & or it is needed somewhere else.
If not in the concurrent time and place, it is a variation for skill to survive not for a profit.
Profits vs Prophets
Profess, teach, cultivate, learn, Pro-pharoh phet feat, express, say, pro-create.
The rows and set, multiple, pro, build, set, seed, multiply, and live.
Seek and find reap and sow wisdom.
Greed of power corrupted the word Prophet into Profit, Pha-raoh the-row, the harvest for = pro fit is adapt, take, or fit a vision for survival or truths.
Dividing that vision becomes perish & kill; & parish rewritten as The People vs the demons, demons\daemons described as horns and wings and tails odd animal feet. Feathers and helms with horns, the natives and enemies of the roman empire and Jewish kings and other lords as if gods.
All labels of their enemy in descriptions of tribal wear, as if demons through the vast description of every other massacred tribe.
Enslaved like Solomon’s tools, Solomon, solo man Mason-sol, KKK order of the dawn, the brotherhood of light.
The kings men, the oppression and control of freedom and wisdom.
The revoking of any other God or un-labeled wisdom as a damned, un-holy, vile, sick, diseased, uncouth, belligerent, savages.
No matter the holistic wisdom, or the power found, or the energy returned of the body learned, or the ideology amassed from dreams from outside prophetic vision’s, and no mater the truth found in simular, similar, or secular..
All the advanced civilizations of peace worship and war, all lumped in to be destroyed and reclaimed by the King’s. The monarchs and false Heiarch’s rip and take what is found or discovered, the pillage in his name.
As if God itself gave the people a new discovery, or a miracle; a credit in a founding annotators bloodshed taken by the theives proclaiming love through extolling in their revere, and revelations against laws of sin for admonishment by the king and pope. All deemed cleansing to the people, as they feel the warmth of only the sun; a symbol of the Sun. Son of God, synagog. Ra ray sol solstice solace solar scholar the light of wisdom vs the dark and condemned.
Hel\Hellen\Hell experience is described as the same effects as a decomposing corpse being rotted, picked away by unseen unknown things as if the shell itself was tormented, where the damned curse the corpse in disease and death.
We bury the bones and pray from fear and respect. But with fear of the right thing, is it right? is it shrouded by God and his light? Positive fear, is only with positive protection.
It is not positive to uphold mindless slaughter for renovations collections and concentration camps older than the so called worst victimizer in war.
We should only bury in respect, never bury in hate.
Dig 12 feet deep instead of 6 feet if its hate. Carry their life on the soul, & will itself if it is taken into hate.
Survival and right wisdom, is empty with hate.
Pharaoh Thoth proph it (pro, ph, Ff, ro = for) * fit in latin means Adapto* to or adept, fit to; pro has become take of, vs create of, & give of.
We kill too much, and conquer imaginary lands we never can own.
We hunt to gather, we gather to build, we build to hunt, we eat to live, we live, we dance, we love; we extorted our souls & forgot the nature and beyond nature of our existence’s purpose for the unknown, & by attacking the unknown in a constant cycle of spear-rituality from Herod to... https://infidels.org/library/historical/kersey_graves/16/chap16.html
We followed..
All because of kings and their warped vanity, wrought in warped from, from kind into selfish kin into A King to rule over all people and deliver them into a singularity of spirit born into pride vanity and deceit of the people, & by wringing their faith as a magic show with levers pulleys steam and weights to cull them into a fascade ordained by a mascerade.
Ki, kin, king ki key ke King ki- energy n~g negate Kind ki \body blood energy, nd n~d need
We suffer with wants and desires, we kill ourselves by taking more than we need, we feast on this husk and call it desire.
When you speak of balance as religion: taking and forcing others into subservience or neglect.
the honor of respect was once the Liege: 1. A lord or sovereign to whom allegiance and service are due according to feudal law. 2. A vassal or subject owing allegiance and services to a lord or sovereign under feudal law. 3. A loyal subject to a monarch. www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/liege * *In an interesting etymological twist, the word at one time meant a ’leader of a band of free men.
Much the opposite of its eventual meaning as a following or conformity\sub-service\servitude to a feudal Lord of war and peace.
Balance must be your own set of balance and awareness; where you interrupt balance in drastic actions committed, the energy forms and adheres to the level of the shell.
Depending on many factors the balance will adjust either by action or instance, where death becomes an immersion into the positive scale or negative scale.
Where energy combines chemically the astral and either must have their own return to balances electric physical and metaphysical.
Such forced spirituality, is not a re-liege.
Again, Liege: to be a leader of free people... Re: with reference to; regarding.) *archaic definition*.
The Demon Legion: Lie-gon or a heathen, or Hera-tic is oppressing the free those who worshiped another ideal outside of the monarchy. Hera a female Goddess, The wiccan, the mage, the Asir, Athir, Arthur, authority, the leader of the free man, opposing the wicked kings against Alvalon the knights of the round, Shakespeare. The true bards and warriors of the freedom of right and wisdom to the people in all forms.
Of justice aside a crown and throne.
The same ones who betray or lie’s in the minds of the people.
the Liege or Legion; vs My Liege, Legion-naire.
The wicked: hunted burned broken and killed to enslave a single message of idolisim, be in crosses stars or cold hard cash. And that warped message is “money and submittal is your savior, give to Caeser what is his” GIVE TO THE\YOUR KING!..
The king can only attempt to attest to control your life of free will, you choose to release your sin for the rest of the vultures, you choose to bow or die, you choose to join or die. Lower your arms for peace for war. To beseech and be pardoned by god for treason, or SIN!
The king, Lord of the shepherd’s: the wanderers, Jews, Romanians, Israelite’s, Turk’s, Arab’s etcetera.
The sects of the peddlers & the caravans, the oppressed in Medieval days.
The men un-welcomed aside selling trades and good’s.
Forced to travel the lands, the kings decreeing to force them to peddle their goods but, never allow them to take settlement.
The King : knowing they come from other lands with goods from afar.
If living in constant traffic across my land, will make the land and the people come forth to see such good’s.
& like a dirty bear trap snapping, the taxation of outside fools bridged into economic trade, and the bankers biting the hand in return. You cant stay here; but, you can sell your wares to survive suffice service on these land’s.
This is ”The big lie ” that ”money is a requirement for survival”.
Money, the fiber of a tree, the cotton off the back, and stones and minerals dug from the ground.
Not far from finding flint silica & gold in a river.
(Trees are for shelter
Sun is to grow from) all require this small scale circle, obviously a comparative description.
Religion\realignment is not nature or super-nature or the study of wisdom or spiritual freedom of wisdom.
Money is the massive en masse oppression of free wisdom; where corral and control is hoarding the people like cattle into a token based slavery. Where you are a number, marked, re-educated then released to preform.
A well trained number, ready with skills & skill bases, evading latent talents.
Only ”Under-educated”, by the means of what you have can not be allowed endless usage’s; it must be used to make a living where at best, you sharpen your skill set into a lifetime till you can not.
Where skills to build upon for survival are only mocked and locked by the rich.
This has always been to the timeless and unburdened by poverty to be the common and adequate control for the upper class manipulating the lower class, & at one time education was reserved for the wealthy excluding any below.
Engineering is now a enforced broken trade, the consumer will never keep the tool’s needed in top condition.
We even believe in the “mass depletion of resources”, which is made less and less a issue from the enforcement to restricting yearly consumption, by developers razing land and minerals for mass extractions. The balance of reducing the use in reuse\recycle is brought against the consumers more so by raising the costs.
The very churn of the planets core acting like a living reactor recreating fuel, flora, fauna, and minerals over time.
The same time, we have the means to regenerate stronger materials for the developer to decrease usage of excess resources for decades.
And the lies, deceiving efforts, to deny it, lowering the worth in cheap breakable parts. And raising the costs of food while shrinking the product’s worth, and even decreasing dietary value annually.
Our food is reduced in weight and serving, by the F.D.A. W.H.O. and C.D.C. And people eat the BS and agree with the price shifts of the economy due to fear and stupidity.
Buying numbers: The officials themselves paid for such statistics through university sponsorship’s\scholarship’s donation’s; which are usually unnamed unmarked boosts, aside media profits all news is good with giving money, and in the same pay-off the statistics claimed as squandered are from those same handshakes from those same establishments that were donated to, look into the sister companies that donate to those “Scientific food research” program’s.
Not by market analysis, not by cause and effect, but by allowing the market costs to proceed in this way legally in trade laws and fraudulence.
The same kinds of practices of hoarding diamond surplus, only to leak a select amount each year to raise the value or keep it consistent.
Where a diamond is a dime a dozen if they unveiled how much carbon and carbon synthetic diamonds they have.
Let alone how much more it has increased from Russian mining areas and their deep network expanding through trade finances; all of which is tied to every bond, spiritual and ritual. And you are taxed on every festival in any motion of freedom willingly.
Instead it is self justified, the only in-just IS self justified.
The rule over literature, changing is Afixation’s; enforcing to elect house’s and name’s that created the re-ligion in name only to rename those words to bury re-wright re-right & rewrite their text test and tongue.
This physical rulebook is not of God’s or Gods, or Goddess’s tongue’s of freedom’s as from kind, into King, is as MAN to a person or the people.
The so called Royal Hierarchy, is not a divided creature from the sequence of artistic tribalism. And racism for the self righteous by their throne, as if some divine moniker separating one layer of flesh in the sun longer than the other makes them a King. One Person is not less than another.
Look into the what if the South did win.
What laws were ready set in-place had that been victorious.
What in religion was to change for to those motions in history.
The money is only one road map, where the past is sequentially changed index by index. www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/08/the-word-man-was-originally-gender-neutral/
Gender dividing, skin color enslaving, controlling; All of this IS sac-re-liege against not only positive absolution to be of peace in mind heart body spirit and soul; but to every extent it is wrong.
It is the dark and damned nature we distrust as humane nature and spiritual nature, and the truth and sacred wisdom’s of, are ignored in a bloody bag of self enforced bliss.
Taking freedoms and enforcing sacking of places.. sac sap sake take,
not bridge un-connect, it is destroy, and to destroy.
Sac-rilege, take and realign!
bend and force!
break a will of peace to enslave a war by false profits!
A book of 1,000,000 words can burn 1,000,000 roots, but the message is forever scarred into the ground.
To call such act’s as the or a religion of peace; founding prosperity on others sorrow is despair.
& when unchecked & unseen, such impairment leads to self centered and egotistical mass suicide.
The slaughter of everything but that which shines in our eyes as unknowns of belief, is the true revelation and lack of ascension of the spirit.
Cutting the wings of wisdom that know of God’s\Goddesses or any good or righteousness versus wrongness.
To fall on deaf ears for the crops of greed has no harvest; the remains is Death, Pestilence, Famine, & War.
If that is the calling of the end, then we have ascended and fallen many times in history by the light, the smoke, the fire, and the world wars of exopolitics, a dimensional divide of what is alien or re-masked as evil un-known’s.
Sadly, we have scarred our own planet at the thought in the blood of our own flesh, creationism tribalism religion; where spirit and the Ego become King..
As humanity becomes inhumane monsters for their own kin, & owning spirits as enslaved, all endlessly in a silly war of power that never existed past positive negative and neutral forms. No creature is spared not even our own universe or even the mind itself; all at the price to understand balance in a broken brain.