I cannot escape my labyrinthine mind.
Every thought I have is so original
until the field changes and I am looking
with a new set of judgemental eyes.
Of course that idea was cliche!
Anyone who knows a smidge of sci-fi
could come up with aliens trapped in a race
or murderous machines that can melt into puddles.
Ever since I was little, I was a sponge.
Put something in front of me and it’s mine.
12*12=144, the moon controls tides, so much
just dumped over and over into my brain,
and now I am tasked with an original thought.
Something so simple a SpongeBob episode
only dealing with boxes could do it.
See, there it goes again!
I fear that the sponge will begin to mold,
and my thoughts will always be hackneyed.
My dreams of being a writer and rubbing
all of my success and awards in the faces
of naysayers and assholes and boring teachers
are going down the dark bottomless abyss.
I guess I should’ve realized how far the fall is
when one jumps for a star and misses entirely.
Once again, I am trapped in my mind,
wandering a corridor of exits endlessly,
looking for the one that I dreamed of.
Maybe dreams don’t come true...
Maybe dreams are just what we humans use
to forget our useless existence in our heads,
constantly wandering, ceaselessly looking
for a way to get out of the box.