A Prayer For Myself
Give me freedom and give me peace,
Peace of mind, and freedom of spirit;
Let me break my chains and walk in the light,
But also in darkness, without fear.
Let me love myself, without judgement,
And be proud of my perfect parts, but also those broken;
Let me trust myself, even when I falter,
And may I find strength to be true to my own.
May my path find light to displace shadow,
Yet darkness to appreciate its counterpart;
Let me hurt none, and have no fear to be Giving –
Let me freely bestow pieces of myself on those I love,
Let me live without worry of consequence;
Though the road may be long, grant my heart strength;
Let me hold my head high and ride the storms,
And hold my hand out to those who need a friend.
May I find the equivalent when the breakers threaten,
And the courage to fall back on myself if I should find none.
Let me be gentle, but firm in my heart,
That I might be honest with myself, and those around me.
Let me learn to hold onto the strength within me,
No matter the course my life might take.
Let me be true, always, to me – without fear, remorse, or apology,
That I might leave my mark on the world – one worth remembering.