What is the point of posting unpublished work in a contest if you cant access it for later?
I accidentally hit “unpublished”, and now I cant even enter the work because it has been entered.
And I cant even enter new work for the contest, because it was entered as a un-accessible entry IE: not found.
Does any of that make sense?
Are we not the beta testers for this site?
That would explain a lot and if we are, the least the team could do is
“if we find bugs or broken code to notify asap to fix and highlight key areas that need fixing”.
& if you are a small team, then all the more to need people who can say such.
Many contest’s, {Mainly monthly challenge}; allows 15000 word limits, &
you need 15,000 words for big contests to work if putting in serious balls to the wall writing to achive said contest.
With that said, you are going to require either the use of the feature “unpublished saves”; or leaving your pc on for days to weeks to continue. Which is a strain on laptop users and even phones.
I’d imagine there are some people who mark their actual work’s as unpublished saves.
And, Un-accessible works, are something I can’t fathom any writer would like to happen.
Also why do we have a spell check window for the title, but no spellcheck for the main text area below?
+Sizing for people who can’t see small 10pt-12 pt font
+spacing options for jumbled comments section
no I am not a programmer, I just use the site for writing my prose.
You have a feature to change the font below in style.
Your user’s have a Internet browser & most of the webbrowsers have inside support for spell-checking.
You have a setup where the below text under the title, can’t be read as text by the browser.
Why not have the read; as a copy of the original text; save; then finalize the publishing as a save, much like the title in a separate window or separate load up so the writer can then “Proofread” their work themselves.
I do not see why this is a uncommon idea utilized, since ever other browser;writing program;website. utilizes this feature.
To use both the features of the title and the literary portion of the text below together may be impossible with the program itself, but a scriptmonkey\coder should be able to
reload the text outside of the program; so it can be opened for manual proofreading and in browser spellchecking.
1. a copy & load for proofreading by the user 2. load on the normal browser; & then 3. saved again through the usual screen that publishes the work.
This way you not only at least have a backup; you also have a chance to proofread and utilize the browser spell checking.
You could even handshake with another website like for the use of a thesaurus and dictionary on the fly, it doesn’t hurt to ask.
And as a app version, that would put you in the apple & “android” spotlight and boost your users substantially like me
That way you don’t have to part from the format of the engine build, but can maintain a prose user friendly experience.
*I myself detest apple products for being a overpriced rehash of a cheap 2005 hanheld pc in 2018 with out cooling fans {they just use giant heatsinks} and when they feel ike it apple just adds more memory.*