Painted clouds drifting across a watercolor sky
Dappled green carpeting the ground, spotted by dashes of color
A girl, wearing a yellow raincoat
Red rainboots
on a old, painted swing
gently swaying in the breeze
the sweet smell of laughter in the air
hair blowing gently
safe within the gaze of summer
Memories of summer
fading away
until nothing is left
except for the remembrance of sunshine
among the gray clouds of the city
a hint of grass
peeking out from the smells of gasoline and smoke
the sound of a child's laughter
hidden within the walls of stone
making its way through traffic
through mountains and hills
through country lanes where the only discord
is in the melody of the crickets
through rivers and lakes
where the only ripples made
are gentle
through dreams
where one can relive their best memories
distant yet within thought
yet close enough to feel
a glimpse of summer in a stranger's eyes
a flash of blue summer sky
a hint of the scent of flowers
a sudden laugh bursting forth from an unseen mouth
summer is still here
children are still laughing
happiness can still be found
even in the heart of darkness
where all you see is gray
when all hope is lost
when there are no more paths to take
choices to make
dreams to chase
jokes to tell
love to find
happiness can still be found
search deep inside
there is happiness
happiness can still be found even on the darkest of days
the darkest of hours
the time when no hope can be seen
can be felt
happiness will be found
laughter will be heard again
love will endure
hope will survive
happiness will be found
if you know where to look
inside your heart
listen to your dreams
happiness will be found
happiness will find you
once you know to look