Challenge of the Week XCI
The Seven Deadly Sins. Choose one of the seven deadly sins: Lust, Pride, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Envy, or Sloth. Make your choice the title of your post, then write about it. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.
Kilo and the Seven Cardinals
Kilo and the Seven Cardinals
Sloth is my terrier's best sin.
She's jealous when I pet the next-door dog
but I don't think she envies him
his bones. She lusts for his licksome love
but lacks the lady parts to lure him.
She does not wax wroth that Proof
of Spaying is needed for dog adoption.
She's humble as the humblest nun
and bears false witness against no one.
She thinks that gluttony's the same
as greed. For her there are a mere six sins
and she commits only half of them.
Good girl! Your doggie virtue wins
(despite Descartes) a richly earned
sit-stay among the treats of Heaven.