What is Justice?
Justice is equality, fairness, a level playing field and impartiality. Justice is something that we aspire to in our courts of law, in the workplace and in our lives.
Justice is a system invented by man whereby wrongs may be put right, for only human beings are supposed to have a sense of right and wrong. But, having said all this, does Justice actually exist? That's a very difficult question to answer is it not?
Is it Justice if it can be bought? No, but you can buy a version of corrupted Justice if you have the readies, and a version of corrupted Justice is to all intents and purposes real Justice isn't it? No it isn't, but it happens doesn't it dear Prosers? Surely, if we employ a system of laws that can turn a blind eye to corrupt Justice, then the system is broken, and if the system is broken can true Justice be served?
Of course it can't.
Is true Justice an eye for an eye? It may seem so, but it isn't. Is it Justice if half the world has so much food that it discards huge amounts every single day, while others fight for scraps?
On a personal level I gaze out into a corrupted and decaying society that clings to its false promises on a dying world that struggles to cope.
Justice? Don't make me laugh.