I have been thinking
I have been thinking about the over excess that animals eat in diet from fluoride and the rain and the drinks we ingest. and It occured to me.. So why doesn't the FDA actually have a amount of daily regulation? If we are drinking and eating it constantly in our diets; the animals eat the grain, the grain eat, the rain.. circle of life and all that.
So we are eating fluoride in small diluted amounts, & we are bathing in it non stop. Diluted being truthfully (debatable).
If it is so dangerous in large amounts well lets think about a few things.
I mean, its in the rain. over time from studies in the 1970's documented that easy to find on Google still from old research data.
But I am sure that number of % would continually rise and fall back to the crops and the animals as well as our drinking water. Even rivers ponds so on contain it, and it will recycle the fluoride more and more over time. & more so with the solar shift, as a super concentrated version from natural distillation of the sun & clouds. Mainly the storms doing natural electrolysis, and rain returning it. So again if it's so dangerous in large amounts, why is it in constant dietary excess but FDA approved, Lets see, yet too much is dangerous and in concentrated amounts unhealthy, but they are not factoring in one more big thing? Yes I am a realist, and yes I do my Homework on the why of WHO what where when why and how.
And sorry, but I think its selective research that makes these things go way over professional peoples heads. Of which is why people who connect all the dots of the study get it, and the medical and science fields don't collaborate study with weather and aerospace chemical research teams, with solar data study.
see what you can find with the right Google search "doesn't natural electrolysis of the sun concentrate fluoride"
With extreme solar weather, increasing the amount tick by tick of the years.
So then why has the WHO model for fluoride intake not been altered to fit the amount of fluoride returning to the water if its so important for our healthy bones and teeth, at the same time dangerous?
Why is aeronautical concern of radiation during flights a study, but no one seems to care about fluorine possibilities, and interestingly enough that is as far as the media is concerned a hot topic, autism is no longer a topic, neither is GMO.
Where most of it is left as Conspiracy and union based talks on vaccines.
Does A not Correlate with B?
Why are people so forgetful yet so empowered to fight for things but never look into them. Why do people become so melancholy when they fight to live healthy.