To write
There is nothing I love more than to write.
To see the ink or the lead scribbled and scrawled over a page or even my own skin, it fills me with meaning.
The smell of ink and pencil lead always makes me feel slightly better after a hard day.
It's almost intoxicating and I find it hard to borderline impossible not to take a good long whiff of a page full of writing.
I love hearing the scratching of the tip of stationery and the feel of a pen or pencil in my fingers.
You would be surprised to know that I have, indeed, tasted pen ink and... Let's just say the taste was... was an unpleasant surprise which I would prefer to never experience again.
My tongue was dyed blue for ages... But that of course, is a story for another time.
And although I doubt anyone would read or enjoy this, I love to write and it was fun to write anyway.