Her Heart’s Monologue
They asked her,"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Her smaller, innocent self would reply, " I want to draw when I grow up."
"Draw, like an artist?" in a tone that implied that her answer was faulty.
But, she never completely comprehended the tone in their voices.
So she kept saying, "when I grow up I will be a ballet dancer, singer, and artist."
And then she became less small and less innocent.
And began to connect the dots.
Her fat Uncle was a doctor, and her slim cranky Aunty was a different kind of doctor, her rich Uncle was ,yet, another kind of doctor and cousin J and his condenscending brother were medical students.
She realized the correct answer to, "What do you want to be?" was, "I want to be a doctor."
And so she practised a lie and became a doctor. She stopped writing and drawing.
She swallowed her science textbooks, inhaled the content on "discovery health".
She memorized the symptoms of mystery diagnoses.
But, soon she grew and became less innocent and the lie became too weak.
The truth grew like a beautiful vine and suffocated the lies that strangled her passions.
However, the truth was also frightening and unappealing to her loved ones.
In her moment of utmost confusion, her heart spoke to her and said:
"I know its frightening; discovering that part of you that was suffocated by lies. That part that was suppressed. I am afraid to announce that the lies could not succeed for so long. I beat for you to accomplish these feats that you fear. Do not fail me."
So she stripped herself of the lies and followed her heart.