Do Liars Lie
Do liars lie or simply exagerate
Is there a difference between a exageration and lies or are they somewhat similair
What are lies? Are they fake but true in the prespective of liars
Are liars people who believe in something they know is an exagerated truth
Could those people who are known as liars actually be telling a truth that none can see
Do lies count as sins when they could be truths
Who determinds if a lie is a lie or if a truth is a truth
Doesn't that power lie with the lairs or any human who can agree on certain terms
Isn't are whole society a lie like math and language
They are lies because they are not truths because we created them with no true basis
Does that mean everything we create with no solid background is a lie
Aren't we living lies since we have created a society of lies
Isn't society itself a lie because it is built off of nothing but lies so everything is a solid lie
When you know something is wrong yet still tell it because you want to believe it, is that a lie or a truth...
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