The Man
Gentle kisses on my forehead before the sun steals one first.
Tells me truths I can scarcely hear, but calms all my fear.
Laughs with me and scoffs at my clumsiness as I chortle a bit myself.
Helps me get things down from the shelf.
Toils for a Scrooge nine til five. Abandons all ill feelings as he steps over the threshold of our dwelling place.
Smiles deceptively when he greets me at the door, and begins to outpour all the injustice that was done.
Tells me as he is watching me scatter about like a mouse, that was fun. When the savoury meal of flavour did run over his taste buds delight.
Holds me when the coons have their vicious fight.
Can manage finances and still shower me like a humble princess.
All I want is my fill when I gaze into his almondesque eyes. I wish there was more time, Oh, how it flies.