not yet thanksgiving
At 39 years old I can I say with absolute certainty that I hate being asked what I am thankful for. No one ever appreciates my answers, so the first thing I will say that I am thankful for is not being appreciated. It has given me the massive capacity to lie convincingly on the spot. Which has also helped to develop my imagination and creative writing skills
At 5′ 3″ I am small and rather ordinary. I am easily overlooked and underestimated. I am thankful for this, as it has allowed me to utilize my intelligence, resourcefullness, and natural inclination toward deviousness instead. It has also allowed me to perpetrate shenanigans without suspicion.
I have been witness to much violence in the home, and it has left a mark upon me. In its own way I am thankful for it. I have been shown what it is wrong, and it allowed me to see what is right. This stain of violence led me to find a stable and loving relationship, where support is always standard, and we choose eachother.
I am thankful for choice, and the ability to see that even if the choices are between a rock and a hard place, they are still choices. I think too many people believe they have no choices. Just because you do not like the options, doesn’t mean you don’t still have the freedom to make the choice.
Lastly, perhaps most frivolously, yet no less important to my wellbeing, I am thankful for the ability to experience my pets. To say care for them seems woefully inadequate. I feel they give me more than I could ever provide for them. The jellybean toes, soft underbellies, twitchy whiskers, and rumbly purrs are just the beginning.