After doing Harry_Situation's challenge, I realized how little how I know about all of you guys. So I thought we could all do introductions, but not just for me, but for all of the newer people on Prose. So in any format, introduce yourself. Pretty much anything you want. Name, age, interests, really whatever you want. Tag as many or as little people as you want.
Thanks for sharing about yourself!
Who, me?
They say you’re only as old as you feel so I guess that makes me twenty something.
Really, I’m more than double that. I have 3 grown kids and 4 grandkids.
I recently quit my job to become a full time writer. This scares me.
I’m scared to fail...
I’m scared to succeed...
I’m scared no one will read my stuff...
I’m scared they will...
I’m an introvert until you get me talking, then...haha. You were warned.
I love Prose. Cuz here I’m halfway normal :)