Updates 11/1/2018
A handful of improvements for your writing pleasure.
Improvement: Center Alignment
The center alignment icon in the writing editor toolbar now works as intended. You can center paragraphs as you see fit.
Improvement: Tabs
Tabs will now insert four spaces when used while using the writing editor, rather than unfocusing the editing area.
Improvement: Formatting
The formatting icons on the formatting toolbar in the writing editor now highlight to indicate current bold, italic, underline, and centering status. Also, clicking the buttons will no longer deselect your selected text.
Bug Fix: Letter Spacing
Some of you pointed out that multiple consecutive spaces would not properly display after publishing. That’s been fixed. If you don’t believe me here’s proof.
Bug Fix: Editing
Fixed a bug preventing users from saving edits on some posts.
Bug Fix: Account Settings
Fixed a bug that prevented users from updating their profile images, usernames, etc.