Challenge of the Week XCVIII
After Sunset. Write about the night, or something that happens at night. You can write about anything you want, as long as it takes place after sunset, and before sunrise. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.
A Pervasive Night
The sun descends and
The darkness rises;
Nighttime casts off
Daytime disguises.
A chilling reveal,
An instinctive appeal
To the one who conceals
All his sinful reprises.
My mind, a captive;
Disquieted dreams,
A desperate pulse,
And preemptive screams
Have me balling my fists.
Yes, this darkness insists
That my panic persists,
Tears me up at the seams.
I know you’re not here.
Still, I can’t stop the tears,
Nor my trembling lips,
Nor my outrageous fears.
For the night won’t ascend
And this nightmare won’t end.
You won’t let me transcend
All your traumatic years.