‘Leave her, Johnny, leave her’
There’s a ship lying rigged and ready in the harbour.
Not mine, but reminding me it’s nearly time.
Ten weeks that’s all there is to pack up a house and leave.
There’s a bag of books waiting to be dropped off at one friend. A (no longer stray) cat to take to its new home.Winter clothes to be got out of store, washed and repackage, flights to book, shipping to arrange. Decisions to be made over what to keep or not, Notice to be givern to landlord, deposits to claim, and... and..
I’ve no idea where I’m going next
All I know is I will no longer be able to put ‘cast away in the Carribean‘ as my tag line.
Isn’t that a delicious though?
new places, new faces, new adventures
But first anyone want a box of empty jam jars? A pile of yachting magazines, ? A coffee table?