Dungeons and Drakons (Part II)
“What is it now, Fenrar?”
“Another prisoner.”
“Feli help us,” Erid murmured. Feli had passed away a year ago, and he was prayed to the way humans prayed to a God.
Erid heard the screaming even before the prisoner was dumped in front of him. Fenrar averted his eyes. As a young dragon, he found it hard to watch. Some days, Erid found it hard to watch, but he looked on with a stone cold glare anyway. He had to. For the survival of his species.
“Subject A225300, you are here because of treason against the Lord Evant.” Erid winced inwardly. Treason against Evant was worse than treason against the king. 225300. Since the Drakons had been employed, two hundred twenty five thousand, three hundred prisoners had been... dealt with.