When I think of hate, I think that it’s soemthing in this world that we don’t need. When I think hate, I think that there is way too much of it, and it really needs to be gone. if hate was gone, then mostly everyone would be happier. if people would just stop ahting, that would be wonderful. im only 13, so I dont know that much about hate, but I do know that it’s nothing good. I want it to stop. If people would just stop hating then I would be a happier person. My mother would be a happier person. My family would be happier. But it’s not just my family. Its others that would be happeir too. Like, all over the world happier. Without hate, people would’nt be at war right now. They could be at home with their familys. (I’m thankful for all of the peole that served our country. Thank you.) I just think that without hate, everyone’s lifes would be differnt. In my life, things would be different.