Trust is something that can’t be gained easily. Trust is what makes a bond. Trust is what you regret giving to those, who you thought would be there for you at all times. I can trust my family, I can barely trust my friends, and I definitely can’t trust a stranger. Call it experience, but I used to trust everyone I met. The benefit of the doubt started to fade away when I noticed that my trust that I gave often got misused. But it’s not their fault it’s mine. It’s my fault for even opening up to them. Nowadays, I’m just a closed book, and those I trust I have known for a long time. Trust goes a long way. Trust means you can count on anyone, trust means you can have someone always to lean on. I don’t know if anyone trusts me, but I never ever talk to anyone about anyone else’s problems so i wouldn’t see why not. But to each his own.